code of behavior

美 [koʊd əv bɪ'heɪvjər]英 [kəʊd ɒv bɪ'heɪvjə(r)]
  • 行为准则
code of behaviorcode of behavior


a set of conventional principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person who is a member of a particular group
Synonym: code of conduct


  1. Honesty is a fundamental moral principle and a code of behavior commensurate to modern market economy .


  2. Propriety and good faith is the code of behavior that citizens should comply with and the important content of construction of socialist spiritual civilization .


  3. But they are also forced to stitch together their own code of behavior .


  4. Therefore , moral virtue cannot be set down in a rigidly defined code of behavior .


  5. As the code of behavior , honest-trust has its theoretical foundation of ethics .


  6. Honesty and credibility as a social norm and an informal code of behavior plays an important role in our society .


  7. From the point of view of morality-justice , honest-trust is the ethical code of behavior ;


  8. The enforcement of law is the code of behavior imposed by the state and fundamentally it is the power will incarnate and detailed .


  9. Balancing the commitment to the cooperative is adherence to the code of behavior of Magdalena Medio .


  10. There is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior which , if broken , makes the person immediately the object of suspicion .


  11. This essay in praise of chess and prescribing a code of behavior for it has been widely reprinted and translated .


  12. In this period of social change , enterprise culture has become the base of existence , the motive force of development , the code of behavior and the guarantee of success for enterprises .


  13. There are many factors affecting the cross-cultural communication in tour , such as different mode of thinking , moral values , customs and habits , code of behavior and so forth .


  14. But unlike other sports , the rules of golf not only dictate the rules of the game , they actually prescribe a code of behavior and ethics for our athletes .


  15. C.1.The company follows established guidelines or a code of behavior for visits to culturally or historically sensitive sites , in order to minimize visitor impact and maximize enjoyment .


  16. The profession morality of PR practitioners is the norm code of behavior which regulates the relationship between social organizations and the public that should be followed by PR practitioners in the practical activities of PR.


  17. The traditional agricultural civilization led to a highly developed system of families , which , while stressing a code of behavior among relatives and friends , pays scanty attention to the moral standard in intercourse with strangers in the public domain .


  18. Second , the impact of market economy , which can mainly be shown in the aspects like : internal driving forces of the management is turning weak , the internal relations turning materialism , and the code of behavior of officers and men decays , the values have deviated .


  19. The feminine gender role depends on standard definition of social culture for women , including requirements for code of female behavior , values and other requirements .


  20. At present , four versions of the draft civil code of self-help behavior made provision , although different perspective and formulation , it will stimulate more scholars to research on the self-help behavior system .


  21. The non-governmental norm refers to , does not get support from state power , but based on code of ethic , behavior rules that is generally complied with by people in a certain limit .


  22. Set # 4 [ Then ] add automated testing of Code + Manual testing of behavior .


  23. Detect whether a executable code is malicious code through the analysis of behavior .
